Zoemi at Locust Shade Park - Northern Virginia Newborn Photographer

Zoemi and family at Locust Shade Park - July 14, 2016

 I photographed Pamela and Fernando back in May. I quickly fell in love with this couple! I hold them very close to my heart. Pamela was close to the end of her pregnancy and they were waiting the arrival of their sweet baby girl.

Remember this beauty!?

Remember this beauty!?

I was so excited when Pamela contacted me to do their newborn pictures. At three weeks old, I finally met their bundle of joy.




Of course, the day we scheduled to do the newborn pictures, the index was 104! ONE. ZERO. FOUR!!! I have some concerns about Zoemi being in the heat, but we gave it a shot. And I'm glad we did!

The gorgeous family!

The gorgeous family!

L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com
L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com
L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com
L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com
L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com

Pamela and Fernando are such kind-hearted, thoughtful, and loving people. Zoemi is truly lucky to have them as parents. I'm glad our paths crossed and they will always be special to me. 

.....and we can't leave out the behind the scenes, can we!?

L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com
L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com
L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com