How to get your toddler to smile for pictures

 Getting a toddler to smile for pictures can be challenging.

I'm sure we've all been in the same boat....we want cute pictures of our toddlers and what's better than that big grin they give??? The second you pull out your camera to snap the photo, they stop smiling. Usually we say "CHEESE!" to get them to smile again for us. I don't know about you, but that usually just gives me a fake smile. So, how do you capture those real, teeth exposed smiles!? It's actually quite simple. 

L. Pettigrew Photography

 Stop saying "CHEESE". You'll most likely just get a stare or a fake smile in return. Instead, be silly! Make them give you a real smile. And what better way than to make them laugh!? I have no shame in being silly (or maybe even acting a little crazy) to get some good laughs. 

 Sit back and make them feel comfortable, rather than on the spot. This is a good way to get some genuine smiles. Be discreet. There are many times that my three year old won't smile for pictures if she feels pressure. I take a different approach and make her feel likes it's not a big deal. I don't bring a lot of attention to the fact that I'm trying to take her picture and get a great smile. The less she notices I'm there, the better smiles I get. I also like to take pictures of her while she's doing something she loves.

 Another piece of advice would be to take many, MANY pictures. How often do you go for that one GREAT picture and you don't get it? Take several. Your chances of getting a genuine smile increase. Then, you can narrow it down to the ones you LOVE.

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L. Pettigrew Photography

 Don't forget the serious ones, too! Those also tell a good story!

L. Pettigrew Photography