Top 10 Questions to ask a Doula - Hampton Roads and Virginia Beach Birth and Motherhood Photographer

Interviewing a Doula

Here’s what you should be asking!

When you make the decision to hire a doula, you’ll wonder which doula is best for you? Should you hire the first website you come across or maybe your sister recommended one. Just because one doula was the perfect fit for one person, doesn’t mean that same person is the perfect one for you. To help narrow it down, I’ve put together a questionnaire that you can actually take with you when you meet and interview possible doulas.

  1. Will I be judged if I make a different decision than you would?

  2. Will you respect my relationship with my partner and how will you support my partner in labor?

  3. Will my questions be answered without bias?

  4. Are you certified?

  5. Do you have references I can speak with?

  6. What restrictions do you have around your job?

  7. What happens if you don’t come when I need you?

  8. What kind of approach do you take? Are you hands on?

  9. Will you advocate for me?

  10. What is included in your fee?

After the interview, take some time to think it over. Will this person be a good fit for you?