Portfolio Building Sessions - Northern Virginia Newborn Photographer

Maternity, Birth, Fresh 48, Newborn, and Breastfeeding Sessions

A Posed, Documentary, and Lifestyle Approach

When I first started out, I had a vision in mind. This idea I had surrounded women, their bodies, and the life they bring in to the world. I didn't want to limit myself at the time, so I learned other techniques and styles, as well. 

After giving it much thought, I have decided to narrow down my photography to capture and document my vision. 

As some of you know, I have a love for breastfeeding and I believe in enjoying those precious moments. This stemmed from several months of seeing lactation consultants, fighting low supply, and even taking medication to increase my supply with the hopes of one day exclusively breastfeeding. My exclusively breastfeeding journey started when my youngest was a little over three months old and I had no idea it would continue past six months or even one year. Here we are at seventeen months and still going strong! In the beginning, I took pictures of practically every time we nursed. I had no idea when it would be her last or when I would throw in the towel (and believe me, I thought about giving up many, many times). Posting these pictures to social media, I wanted to bring awareness to breastfeeding in public. It is certainly nothing to be ashamed of! My reason to add breastfeeding sessions, comes from my personal passion. These moments do not last forever.

With all this being said, I am going to continue portfolio building, so I can capture the exact images I am after. In order for me to do this, I will be offering Portfolio Building Sessions. You must apply by contacting me and for a limited time only, these sessions will be at no charge. Please include why you are interested, a little bit about yourself/family, and what kind of session you are interested in. 

I look forward to embarking on this journey with you!

L. Pettigrew Photography www.leepettigrew.com