Alex's Birth Story - Springfield VA Birth Photographer - Fairfax VA Newborn Family Photographer

Springfield, VA

"Labor of Love"

Let me start off by saying the birth community in my area is full of amazing women! They all want to see each other succeed and THAT is what it's all about!

Now, I had never experienced a home birth, nonetheless, a natural birth. I walked in to the most peaceful, laid back situation at the Johnson home on December 20, 2016. 

Dominique had everything set up in the nursery...her birthing tub, tranquil music, and a salt rock lamp illuminated the room. Ryan could easily go make something to eat or hang out with the kids for a few minutes. There was no confinement or restrictions. It was freeing!

Dominique's mom was there, making chili and cornbread, while watching Ellie and Livvie. Occasionally, one of the kids would quietly go check on their mom and shower her with hugs and kisses.  

I arrived around 5pm and one midwife was already there. Soon after, another midwife joined and later, a doula. Dominique had such a supportive team surrounding her! 

Dominique's labor went from contractions every 5-6 minutes to 1.5-3 minutes and back to 7-8 minutes throughout the night. Around 6-6:30am on December 21, 2016, she was transported by ambulance to Fairfax Hospital and she delivered Alex that evening via c-section. 

Dominique showed such strength and love. Her husband, Ryan, could not have been more supportive or nurturing. 

It was an incredible experience!